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A stream is a durable, partitioned sequence of immutable events. When a new event is added a stream, it's appended to the partition that its key belongs to. Streams are useful for modeling a historical sequence of activity. For example, you might use a stream to model a series of customer purchases or a sequence of readings from a sensor. Under the hood, streams are simply stored as Apache Kafka® topics with an enforced schema. You can create a stream from scratch or declare a stream on top of an existing Kafka topic. In both cases, you can specify a variety of configuration options.

Create a stream from scratch

When you create a stream from scratch, a backing Kafka topic is created automatically. Use the CREATE STREAM statement to create a stream from scratch, and give it a name, schema, and configuration options. The following statement registers a publications stream on a topic named publication_events. Events in the publications stream are distributed over 3 partitions, are keyed on the author column, and are serialized in the Avro format.

CREATE STREAM publications (
    author VARCHAR KEY, 
    title VARCHAR
  ) WITH (
    kafka_topic = 'publication_events',
    value_format = 'avro',
    partitions = 3

In this example, a new stream named publications is created with two columns: author and title. Both are of type VARCHAR. ksqlDB automatically creates an underlying publication_events topic that you can access freely. The topic has 3 partitions, and any new events that are appended to the stream are hashed according to the value of the author column. Because Kafka can store data in a variety of formats, we let ksqlDB know that we want the value portion of each row stored in the Avro format. You can use a variety of configuration options in the final WITH clause.


If you create a stream from scratch, you must supply the number of partitions.

Create a stream over an existing Kafka topic

You can also create a stream on top of an existing Kafka topic. Internally, ksqlDB simply registers the topic with the provided schema and doesn't create anything new.

CREATE STREAM publications (
    author VARCHAR KEY, 
    title VARCHAR
  ) WITH (
    kafka_topic = 'publication_events',
    value_format = 'avro'

Because the topic already exists, you do not need to specify the number of partitions.

It's important that the columns you define match the data in the existing topic. In this case, the message would need a KAFKA serialized VARCHAR in the message key and an AVRO serialized record containing a title field in the message value.

If both the author and title columns are in the message value, you can write:

CREATE STREAM publications (
    author VARCHAR, 
    title VARCHAR
  ) WITH (
    kafka_topic = 'publication_events',
    value_format = 'avro'

Notice the author column is no longer marked with the KEY keyword, so it is now read from the message value.

If an underlying event in the Kafka topic doesn’t conform to the given stream schema, the event is discarded at read-time, and an error is added to the processing log.

Last update: 2020-07-30