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PRINT topicName [FROM BEGINNING] [INTERVAL interval] [LIMIT limit]


Print the contents of Kafka topics to the ksqlDB CLI.

The PRINT statement supports the following properties:

Property Description
FROM BEGINNING Print starting with the first message in the topic. If not specified, PRINT starts with the most recent message.
INTERVAL interval Print every interval th message. The default is 1, meaning that every message is printed.
LIMIT limit Stop printing after limit messages. The default value is unlimited, requiring Ctrl+C to terminate the query.


The following statement shows how to print all of the records in a topic named ksql__commands.

PRINT ksql__commands FROM BEGINNING;

ksqlDB attempts to determine the format of the data in the topic and outputs what it thinks are the key and value formats at the top of the output.


Attempting to determine a data format from only the serialized bytes is not an exact science! For example, it is not possible to distinguish between serialized BIGINT and DOUBLE values, because they both occupy eight bytes. Short strings can also be mistaken for serialized numbers. Where it appears different records are using different formats ksqlDB will state the format is MIXED.

Your output should resemble:

    Key format: KAFKA (INTEGER)
    Value format: JSON
    rowtime: 12/21/18 23:58:42 PM PSD, key: stream/CLICKSTREAM/create, value: {statement":"CREATE STREAM clickstream (_time bigint,time varchar, ip varchar, request varchar, status int, userid int, bytes bigint, agent varchar) with (kafka_topic = 'clickstream', value_format = 'json');","streamsProperties":{}}
    rowtime: 12/21/18 23:58:42 PM PSD, key: table/EVENTS_PER_MIN/create, value: {"statement":"create table events_per_min as select userid, count(*) as events from clickstream window  TUMBLING (size 10 second) group by userid EMIT CHANGES;","streamsProperties":{}}
    ^CTopic printing ceased

Page last revised on: 2020-04-29

Last update: 2020-04-29