Query With Arrays and Maps

ksqlDB enables using complex types, like arrays and maps, in your queries. You use familiar syntax, like myarray ARRAY<type> and myarray[0] to declare and access these types.

The following example shows how to create a ksqlDB table from an Apache Kafka® topic that has array and map fields. Also, it shows how to run queries to access the array and map data. It assumes a Kafka topic, named users. To see this example in action, create the users topic by following the procedure in Write Streaming Queries Against Apache Kafka® Using ksqlDB.


When you start the ksql-datagen process for the users topic, set the quickstart parameter to users_, to add the array and map fields to the user records. Be sure to append the _ character. The array and map fields are named interests and contactinfo and have type ARRAY and MAP.

Create a Table With Array and Map Fields

Run the following query to create a ksqlDB table on the users topic. The array and map fields are defined in the interests ARRAY<STRING> and contactinfo MAP<STRING,STRING> declarations.

  (registertime BIGINT,
   userid VARCHAR,
   gender VARCHAR,
   regionid VARCHAR,
   interests ARRAY<STRING>,
   contactinfo MAP<STRING,STRING>)
  WITH (KAFKA_TOPIC = 'users',
        KEY = 'userid');

Your output should resemble:

 Table created

The table is ready for you to run queries against it.

Query a Table That Has Array and Map Fields

With the users table created, you can query the array field and the map field. Run the following CREATE TABLE AS SELECT statement to create a persistent query that has the first item in the user's interests array and the user's city and zip code from the contactinfo map.

CREATE TABLE users_interest_and_contactinfo AS
  SELECT interests[0] AS first_interest,
         contactinfo['zipcode'] AS zipcode,
         contactinfo['city'] AS city,
  FROM users

Your output should resemble:

 Table created and running

Run the following SELECT query to view the table:

SELECT userid, first_interest, city, zipcode
  FROM users_interest_and_contactinfo

Your output should resemble:

User_4 | Game | Palo Alto | 94301
User_9 | Game | San Jose | 95112
User_3 | News | San Mateo | 94403
User_6 | Game | Irvine | 92617
User_1 | Game | Irvine | 92617
User_7 | News | San Mateo | 94403
User_2 | News | Irvine | 92617
User_8 | Game | San Mateo | 94403
User_5 | Game | San Carlos | 94070
^CQuery terminated

Press Ctrl+C to terminate the query.

You can access array elements by using positive or negative index values. For example, to get the user's last interest run the following SELECT statement:

SELECT interests[-1] AS last_interest,
FROM users_extended

Your output should resemble:

Travel | User_9 | OTHER  | Region_6
Travel | User_2 | FEMALE | Region_5
Sport  | User_3 | FEMALE | Region_8
Movies | User_5 | OTHER  | Region_9
Movies | User_8 | MALE   | Region_1
Movies | User_1 | MALE   | Region_6
News   | User_4 | MALE   | Region_9
Movies | User_7 | OTHER  | Region_1
Sport  | User_6 | FEMALE | Region_5
^CQuery terminated

Press Ctrl+C to terminate the query.

Next Steps

Last update: 2020-03-19